e-Learning Ecologies MOOC’s Updates

Blended Learning

Hybrid or Blended learning is when we teach students, or learn via the classic face-to-face way besides the online learning. I, as an educator, have come to believe that it’s the most effective beneficial way to maximize each learner potential. Differentiation, in teaching strategies or assessments, can be achieved through the suitable kind of learning for each student. Some shy students don’t really prefer to participate in face-to-face classes but are quite active during online sessions whether they were synchronous or not. Also by integrating multiple intelligences to suit every student.

In addition, it enhances learner autonomy by giving assignments with deadlines to search about a certain project and share it in any educational platform.

Formative assessment is an absolute thing when you are using belnded learning method properly. This happens as a teacher can always provide directions and instant feedback inside the class or through the used platform orally or written; in a video or text form in anytime and anywhere. E-portfolio is a very useful way to show the progress a student is making and it’s easier for both teacher and student to use it effectively. This is a video shows how to create an r-portfolio in google sites. https://youtu.be/9Aq4roixJ6A

Flipped learning is highly recommended when you give the students the directions online and expect them to be able to achieve thier learning goals in the classroom. Teachers are supposed to be facilitators and encourage students to be responsible of thier own learning process.

Belnded learning always gives students time to ask about questions they couldn’t have to time to ask about and make reflections of thier own. It extends the learning experience by giving more resources and information about the topic via the used platform. It makes learning fun by adding games and quizzes for students that support the lesson they took in classrooms.

Through the blended learning, I believe, all the goals should be achieved. Also, many skills should be acquired. Thinking and learning skills go hand in hand with the soft and social skills. Thus how we have a student who is on thier own way to fulfill thier potential.

  • Tariq Alhazmi