e-Learning Ecologies MOOC’s Updates

Digital citizenship

Today on my twitter feed I came across a tweet by TCEA (Texas Computer Education Association) where they provided an article discussing this matter; digital citizenship, stating how it is more important now than ever to adopt this concept and digital practices in education as young learners have access to the internet almost خn a daily basis. They highlighted the fact that teachers should integrate the use of technology within the curriculum. So that kids from early age are used to get the most out of using technology and use it right in a way that can help them develop and progress forward in life. Not only this, but also by being aware of adapting digital citizenship in school, kids also are expected to grow up aware of internet safety and the proper use of digital literacy; creating, sharing, and consuming digital content.

As it was my first time coming across this topic, I got interested in knowing more to have deeper and full understanding of the concept and how to use it with young learners. Of course, one cannot grasp all the knowledge from one-day google search. However, I came across useful resources to start with; for example, this initiative by Google directed to children where they create a website where kids not only can play but also their only way to win and get to the top is by spreading love and support to others. Also, they have to block and report the bullies, which help to establish positive digital values on kids from early on. https://beinternetawesome.withgoogle.com/en_us/interland/landing/kind-kingdom

teachers of English as a foreign language as myself can use this game to improve the learners' repertoire as the learners after few wins will come across multiple-choice questions written and uttered in English.

  • Mohammed Ali Alharbi
  • Areej Aljayzani