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cloud computing.

Cloud computing can be defined as a new style of computing in which dynamically scalable and often virtualized resources are provided as a services over the Internet.

Cloud computing can also be defined as a computerized method in which a massive amount of IT-related competencies are provided as an online service to double the number of outbound customers.

Cloud computing is a way to provide information technology (IT) services in which resources are retrieved from the Internet through web-based tools and applications.

Global trade circulating in information circulating in the local community, this field is moving under its umbrella, the idea of ​​cloud computing “cloud computing” or “cloud services” has recently emerged, and it means in general the services that are carried out through equivalent devices, stations, and permanently connected, with the presence of different devices (computer, tablet, smartphones, etc.) After setting a special code to unlock the network, and for it, this article is presented to the reader.