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Self-regulated learning

Self-regulated learning is the regulation of own cognitive process in learning. Besides, it refers to the processes when learners personally activate and as well as sustain cognitions. The whole process is directed through the necessary pattern of behavior which are systematically oriented toward the attainment of personal and academic goals.

Setting personal goals is an important part in self-regulated learning for learners create self-oriented feedback which can help them to monitor their effectiveness and imporve their functioning depending on the how the process go.

That means a self-regulated person must be proactive in order to achieve aims and engage in team work, projects, and solo study to be efficient during the process. Therefore, self-regulated learning is not defined solely as an autonomous or individual since it may include learning in a group, peer-review, consultation with a tutor, etc.

It is necessary to mention that self-regulated learning is found difficult for the majority of contemporary people. Nowadays people suffer from various ADHD, and OCD due to multitasking and the overwhelmingly huge amount of information. Thos who really manage to perform self-regulated learning are appreciated and strongly motivated.

Zimmerman, B. J., & Schunk, D. H. (2011). Self-regulated learning and performance: An introduction and an overview. Handbook of self-regulation of learning and performance, 15-26.
Puustinen, M., & Pulkkinen, L. (2001). Models of self-regulated learning: A review. Scandinavian journal of educational research, 45(3), 269-286.

  • Gaziza Tolesh