e-Learning Ecologies MOOC’s Updates

Update #7: Personalized learning

Personalized learning is a way of education that tries to specialize all processes of fulfilling the learning based on students’ skills and also their strengths and weaknesses. In all traditional classes, we could see the gaps of understanding between different students, it might be a matter of time before they can process the data in their minds and do some activities in the same amount of time for all students in the class as well. The thing that can matter most is that we are facing unique intelligence in different aspects which causes us to think that only one perspective of learning cannot apply to all people.
It has been said that technology may create useful tools for each person to personalize their learnings, although the necessity of a guide should not be underestimated. it can encourage individuals to go through the internet and find out more about each subject that has been taught in class and search for more ideas that can help to achieve more comprehension. We can only learn when we make a kind of connection and put the info in a sort of context. we can see an example here:
Students can go forward in their own educational path and fulfill their desired goals. and With the help of technology, a more pragmatic journey will be implemented. they are being able to work in their own way individually with the guidance of an instructor to help them through the process. Online course providers or one-on-one tutoring can be good examples. They give you options to study, you choose them based on your own interest and then they instruct you how to do the process, you do your research, collect data, do experiments and finally show the result to your private tutor.
During the time that I spent as a tutor when I would try to guide students in their educational path, I fully understood the importance of paying attention to the strengths and weaknesses of each student. I would create a flexible curriculum with the personal characteristics and interests of my students in mind which would always result in a great outcome.
