e-Learning Ecologies MOOC’s Updates

Personalized Learning- Implementation in existing Learning Systems

Personalized Learning

Malcolm Knowles's Adult Learning Theory [1], proposes two key elements that help adults learn-

- They are involved in the planning and evaluation of their learning
- Learning is relevant to their immediate goals

This is a widely accepted theory for andragogy and personalized learning plays into meeting both these points.

Personalized Learning, is defined as the 'customization and the adaptation of educational techniques so that the learning process is better suited for each individual learner' [2]. This is a break away from traditional education, in many ways, but in the most simplest way- self paced learning (like this course) against timetabled learning designed by a curriculum officer in a university.

This model of learning will allow many disadvantaged groups access to education, specifically skill building education- that will allow these groups to better their prospects at moving into a new role. One key example of this, that I can think off, are women who take time off work, to focus on their familial responsibilities. While the option of traditional education can seem contradictory, being able to customize their learning journey to customize it around their needs and the availability of time gives mothers an option to upskill while away.

Naturally, this ties into huge organizational goals- especially companies that look to making conscious choices to even out the executive levels with policies around inclusiveness.

While theories work, and one can see some obvious benefits, how can it work? In this week's modules we heard, 'equal doesn't mean the same.' What would be one way to bring this into our existing learning practices?

- assessing learners before a course, on whether they even need the course? As an example, it may be pivotal for someone to know the alphabets and the numbers, and thus have to be a part of a course- the current popular teaching model does not assess whether there are learners who already know the alphabets. If occupancy is important, perhaps give learners the choice of moving ahead to an advanced course for grammar.

- interviewing learners for existing skills and understanding their reasons for joining a course. Using this information to suggest, redirect learners to the courses/ modules that will allow them to meet their end objective.

Those are my two thoughts on how personalized learning can be used in the existing set up. Would love to hear more thoughts on this. 


[1]- https://knowlestheories.weebly.com/principles-of-andragogy.html

[2]- understood.org/articles/en/personalized-learning-what-you-need-to-know

[3]- https://www.valamis.com/hub/personalized-learning#what-is-personalized-learning