e-Learning Ecologies MOOC’s Updates

Assignment 2: Research Based Learning

Research based learning- as a new learning methodology can be argued to perfectly suit various established instructional design principles, and by extension are acceptable forms of learning that can be leveraged as not only a part of e-learning, but should be employed even in a traditional classroom setting. 

Research based learning, as a methodology would allow education to reflect the nuances of living today- for e.g. it would've been acceptable a few decades before to drive to a restaurant and find that it is closed. Now, technology and sharing experiences will allow the restaurant to list its opening hours & days on the web, along with shared experiences from different patrons, reflecting what the restaurant specializes in, that its consumers love. 

This allows a potential patron to plan their visit to the restaurant, with a reasonable expectation of it being open and furthers their ability to order what is popular, increasing the likelihoood of them enjoying their experience and making the most of their time. The key difference between both approaches, is simply the ability to research, and find accurate sources of information on which one can make an informed decision. 

Malcolm Knowles's theory of Andragogy, proposes that adults like to be engaged, informed and take accoutability of their learning, as it increases the engagement and relevance of the learner. Additionally, building in a problem statement that students have to find a solution for directs their research and potentially allows them to tap into newer research. It also reduces the responsibility of the instructor to be an SME/holder of immense knowledge and increases agency. 

Malcolm Knowles' Androgogy

Similarly, Kolb's learning cycle proposes that learners, in any order, must experience, reflect, conceptualize and experiment in order to have made meaning. By asking students to conduct research and then asking them to build a presentation to share back, or create a knowledge source that can then be used by fellow classmates, allows the team to 'make meaning' of knowledge and in many ways, can also elicit the creation of resources that are more relevant to the participant and their peers. 

Kolb's Learning Cycle

Both Knowles & Kolb's learning theories are widely in use today, and support the usage of research based learning. The additional component of this approach, that perhaps doesn't have too much study on, is the fact that it enables learners to be sufficiently equipped for the path of continuous learning. Ensuring participants have access to looking up resources, and keep themselves relevant in today's fast paced environment. 

