e-Learning Ecologies MOOC’s Updates

Blended learning

Photo link: 1.png (798×351) (elearningindustry.com)

Blended learning, I believe, is the answer to most of the questions raised related to using technology into the education sector. It is all about the student needs (ubiquitous learning), the learning scenario, and the available tools. Your choice here is based on efficacy not attractiveness of the tool. The core focus is the learning goals and needed learning production. This gives you a wide variety of various tools to choose from. Learning itself became ubiquitous, it is every where all the time. Students learn from movies, games, social media, peers, new device catalogues, a trip, the physical and online clubs etc. as well as their textbooks, teachers, and school in general.

Designing a learning experience should put all the available resources into consideration and align them with the students ‘needs to form what we may call, the juice of the learning experience. The most important experience that you should have variety of the same experience to attract various learners. You should think of designing the learning experience as preparing different kinds of juices based on the need of each individual student so that you answer student needs, style of learning, and expectations.

Choosing what to include into the learning experience should include all the resources in all suitable scenarios. You may decide in for one goal to blend offline and online learning, self-paced and live or / and collaborative learning, structured and unstructured learning and off the shelf or custom content. It is the learning aims which drive the journey not the tools of course. We drive the car to reach our destination, while the car cannot drive us to a destination it decides by itself, even self-driven cars need our input to decide its destination.

To conclude, technology is an added tool which enable us to enhance the learning journey using putting into our considerations our student needs, learning style and expectations.

The update on Scholar: https://cgscholar.com/community/community_profiles/e-learning-ecologies-mooc/community_updates/145159#share_tool

Blended learning at Wekipedia: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Blended_learning

YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=iQtU4SBxtlk&ab_channel=AmrFarag

  • Neha Chaturvedi