e-Learning Ecologies MOOC’s Updates

Small group students led interactive learning-Differentiated Learning

Small group students led interactive learning

We all are in this profession because we love teaching children, however it is easier to love those perfect children who read well, write well and listen to you but what happens to those difficult ones who make your hair lose, do we stop loving them?

Motivate and praise for small achievements
Use of Multimedia ICT tools which are well interactive and give stepwise instruction.
Understand that extreme behaviour often comes from a place of pain or a reason, this will soften your heart and help remove negative thoughts.
You might be the only adult in their life who believes in them and in what they can become.
Laughter truly is best medicine, laugh, smile with them and have fun as often as you can.
Remove sarcasm, lecturing, yelling and the like from your repertoire of classroom management strategies. They don’t work and make turning difficult students around virtually impossible

Students who need special attention often neglected or overlooked in traditional classroom set up. A small group differentiated learning will be one ideal solution for this. The group is not only consisting students with learning difficulty but also a small group which consist of students who shows high leadership skills, gifted social talents and students with high levels of ICT skills.

Once the grouping is done, students should assign with their rule. Initial classes should be to create cohesion among the group. This can be developed by games, debates and role plays.

Careful planning of activities in the group.

The planning of activities should well inculcate the curriculum in a stepwise, interactive and collaborative way. Selection perfect blend of independent and collaborative ICT tools are important.

Some Multimedia tolls which are multimedia and provide stepwise instruction are

Edpuzzle- Can be used for stepwise instructed video- https://edpuzzle.com/
Class craft- Game based learning tool https://www.classcraft.com/
Socrative- interactive assessment and personalized activity tool https://www.socrative.com/
Mindmeister- online interactive, collaborative mind map tool- https://www.mindmeister.com/
Spiral- Online assessment tool with stepwise instruction -https://spiral.ac/

The small group interactive learning found very effective especially in secondary classes where students are mature enough to support each other.

  • Anjum Fatima