e-Learning Ecologies MOOC’s Updates

Collective intelligence Science Forum

For me ,collective intelligence means the opportunity to share the learning. The learning become a collaborative approach. The role of teacher is to felicitate this process in a much broader scenario than the traditional classrooms. We have developed few collective intelligence approaches in our school.

1- Science Forum

Science forum is group which consist of students from different grades of secondary classes who are enthusiastic in science learning. They made a common blog and a website for sharing their ideas. Science forum also consist of teachers, parents from science profession and some senior students from Universities. Science forum meet twice every week to discuss the most relevant science topics. They call this discussion as Science Dialectics. There is structure for science Dialectics. The forum divides to groups and each group select one science topic to present. They make initial research on the topic and present. The other groups act as critics and ask questions based on the topic shared. This makes the group to further research on the same topic till they reach to the level of evaluation of the topic. This will repeat and students makes a blog to put their findings. They also published the best works as articles.

All science teachers use one of their lesson in a week to discuss on this blog. So, the learning will spread to other students as well.

2- Science Research club

This act as the second level of science forum. The best of science forum students collaborates to form the research club. Here they work on detailing of the topic they learned in a way that they are able to publish a research article on the science journal in school.

In both collaborative, collective activities, I have witnessed the high level of student’s participation with maximum learning. The teacher as felicitate has to guide on the selection of topics and should link with existing curriculum. These learning exercise can be used for the assessment of students.

The Link to the science Blog


The Science Journal 


  • Joanne Tyrrell