e-Learning Ecologies MOOC’s Updates

Lifelong and Lifewide Learning in a Society that Puts Focus on Didactic Pedagogy

The accessibility of information and technologies for communication have allowed learners of any age, gender, race, and background to pursue education and development anytime, anywhere. In Asia, where I am currently based, education and the pursuit of continuous learning were often thought to be limited to the small fraction of our lives that are spent in the confines of a traditional classroom from our primary years to university. But as we all know, learning extends beyond didactic education.

Lifelong learning is the voluntary and self-motivated pursuit of education or learning opportunities for employment or self-interests. Be it, a person looking to further his language skills to help him better communicate with foreign business associates, or a person pursuing culinary lessons to improve his skills in the kitchen, learning happens continuously as we progress through life.

Formal education only makes up a small part of our lives. Learning expands to all parts of our lives and in informal dimensions. Lifewide learning is the recognition of the learning that occurs in all contexts of our lives - at home, at work, when we travel, being part of a club, and such. This self-managed and self-directed learning includes the everyday experiences that occur in our lives. They not only enrich our lives but also prepare us for lifelong learning.

I am currently based in Hong Kong, and it is known for its tough stance on education. There is a strong focus on didactic education across all age groups. With the rise of technology and the incorporation of new learning strategies, the education bureau is under constant scrutiny for its direction and values. While the shift in the idea of what education should be like, steps have been taken to prepare students for learning that extends beyond the classroom. In March 2019, the Hong Kong education bureau announced a $900 million HKD Lifewide Learning Grant aimed for schools to invest in the whole-person development of their students. The bureau recognized the need to support students in learning that occurs beyond the context of the school and how informal learning can enrich their lives. In addition to this grant, the bureau had also created continuous teacher development programs that support the instructors on how to foster lifewide learning in students.

It is worth noting how a conscious effort had to be made to help educators here become aware of lifelong and lifewide learning. Education here is still largely centered on didactic pedagogy. So much so, that the term lifewide learning is still a relatively new word to many.


