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The multimodal concept in Digital Media

Digital media is Digitized content (text, graphics, audio, and video) that can be transmitted over the internet or computer networks. (Business Dictionary - http://www.businessdictionary.com/definition/digital-media.html )

Making the Multimodal in Digital Media concept the way people learn and communicate through digitized content.

Many industries are using Digital Media, from real estate agencies to hotels, but a clear example of the use of the Multimodal concept through Digital Media is in Museums.

Museums need to cater to everyone; people from diverse backgrounds, languages, and different ways of thinking and understanding.

A lot of large museums have created specific exhibitions with the use of various types of digitized content to understand, feel, and experience a specific environment (Immersive Experiences.) The use of Virtual Reality is one of much-digitized content that provides this involvement.

The Metropolitan Museum of Art has had a great digital transition. In the article “Museums, the Next Media Companies: Why The Met Built a 70-person Media Team” (https://contently.com/2015/05/12/museums-the-next-media-companies/) they describe the process and need to evolve into a digital world. “To succeed, museums need to know what kind of content people respond to, and also how to get that content seen in crowded social feeds.”

“Every item has a story,” said Sreenivasan. “We need to get those stories out there. Let’s just tell people about it instead of always trying to create new things. Let’s think about resurfacing, resharing, and reposting our content.”

The Cooper Hewit museum has also made a great transition into the use of Digital Media, https://www.theatlantic.com/technology/archive/2015/01/how-to-build-the-museum-of-the-future/384646/

Allowing visitors to interact with a pen. With a touch of this pen, they will open the object's digital record. As they describe "The pen does something that countless companies, organizations, archives, and libraries are trying to do: It bridges the digital and the physical."

The pen just being one of the many examples of their use of digital media throughout.

An interesting concept is the idea that we can no longer separate the physical from the digital. The concept named "Hybrid Spaces" something Jordan Frith speaks about in his TedxUNT.



This includes the way we learn. It’s about making content accessible, creating dialogue and collaboration. Digital Media are the tools to create and transmit to everyone. To provide different types of learners not only access to information but the tool that works for them.




  • Cliff Roberson