Wi-Fi Colour in Real World and Cyberspace

A09 1

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Wi-Fi Technology is popular in big cities around the world, such as London, Taipei, Hong Kong, Chicago and New York. The technology shapes different urban landscape from our daily street view. The wireless connection method also brings human body beyond the skin into cyberspace to become a cyborg body. This project adopts anthropology’s “house society” study for kinship to analyze and represent the new urban landscape and cyborg identity, because Wi-Fi access point is a metaphor of house from the view of residency and sharing resource. The final representations are three types of colourful web page which translate Wi-Fi access point information into colours: urban Wi-Fi landscape, single Wi-Fi access point and personal Wi-Fi routes. The artworks aim to rethink cyborg concept in daily and pervasive Wi-Fi technology and the relation between human social-cultural background and technology.