Who is Advocating “Free Trade” and Why?

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  • Title: Who is Advocating “Free Trade” and Why?: Gobalization and Challenges to the Developed World
  • Author(s): Xiaohong He
  • Publisher: Common Ground Research Networks
  • Collection: Common Ground Research Networks
  • Series: New Directions in the Humanities
  • Journal Title: The International Journal of the Humanities: Annual Review
  • Keywords: Globalization, Income Inequality, Social Immobility, World Trade, Knowledge Economy, Technological Change, international Trade, Developing and Developed Economies, India, China
  • Volume: 3
  • Issue: 9
  • Date: November 17, 2006
  • ISSN: 1447-9508 (Print)
  • ISSN: 1447-9559 (Online)
  • DOI: https://doi.org/10.18848/1447-9508/CGP/v03i09/41832
  • Citation: He, Xiaohong. 2006. "Who is Advocating “Free Trade” and Why?: Gobalization and Challenges to the Developed World." The International Journal of the Humanities: Annual Review 3 (9): 43-52. doi:10.18848/1447-9508/CGP/v03i09/41832.
  • Extent: 10 pages

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The paper examines how the rising of India and China may change the direction of globalization within their own countries and relationship between developed and developing world.