Vocational Training System in Europe as an Alternative to Higher Education

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This paper shows how the vocational training contributes to consider the main needs of society and increase the jobs in labour market compared to Higher Education. According to the information collected by professional guidance service of Ministry in charged, people that study in a vocational training way find more quickly their own job instead of others that prefer the formation received by University. In this way, it is known that the employment for vocational training is around 70% and in some cases of autonomous region it has been exceeded 90% approximately respect to specific specialities as a mechanics, wood, etc. just as Spanish Ministry of Education points. Referring to these facts, the development and the positive prospects of the last years, it can show the descriptive study and the analysis of this type of educational institutions based on three fundamental aspects:The constant changes which are developing at these levels of educational system due to the transformation of labour market and the imminent increase of this type of training; The ignorance of vocational training; The organization and operation of this type of training.