Vocabulary Key Rings Using Quranic Verses in English

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Studying and revising meaning of vocabulary in preparation for an assessment can be challenging. Before a summative assessment, a teacher might want to list the chapters or sections that will be tested in the assessment as well as the vocabulary words that are in these chapters and sections of texts which were explained and gone through by the teacher earlier. How would students go about preparing themselves for a vocabulary assessment? To help students in enhancing an organizational skill which enables them to effectively recall and reproduce the meaning of the vocabulary word, teachers have thought of ways of modeling the writing and compiling of a list of vocabulary words and their meanings relevant to their coursework which will be tested at a later date. Whichever way the teacher uses in the vocabulary question format for the assessment, the student should only be concerned with the studying, revising and understanding of the meaning of the vocabulary word. Once this is achieved, the student will be able to apply this knowledge of the vocabulary word to any type of question which will revolve around the meaning of the vocabulary words on the assessment. Thus, through this study skill, the student also manages to enhance the three pertinent aspects in the field of teaching and learning: cognitive, metacognitive and social affect. The name of the technique, “Vocabulary Key Rings” is derived from the end product of compiling the vocabulary words and their meanings. This particular activity has its instructions revolving around havi.....ng the students write each new vocabulary word with its meaning on an index card. The teacher provides the index cards with a hole punched on the top left hand corner of each index card. By the end of the session, the students would have a collection of about 15 index cards. The teacher will then distribute a metal ring which will open to enable the students to slide the cards through the holes on the top left hand corner of each card. The students will click the ring closed on their “VOCABULARY KEY RING”. The students will be able to add more vocabulary words on cards on the ring.