Using Building Energy Models in the Evaluation of Retrofit St ...

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The presented research is an experimental study to develop energy saving potential strategies in prefabricated industrial buildings, using energy models to compare and to evaluate different energy retrofit solutions. Latest European policy and programs focus on research about retrofitting and refurbishment of the existing building, in particular about the industrial building which is considered a strategic sector not only for improving energy efficiency and sustainability but also for improving the economy, jobs, and competitiveness. Much of the industrial sector in Italy is obsolete, with high energy consumptions. The key factor in saving energy with a prefabricated industrial building is the thermal performance of the envelope because the reduction of energy consumption for full air conditioning is related to the thermal performance of the envelope. This study focuses on building envelopes and highlights a passive approach. This study uses some energy building design tools, to investigate how different types of envelopes affect the energy consumptions in different dimensional industrial buildings under common scenarios. Comparing existing industrial buildings in Italy with dimensional statistic data, and the most diffuse building elements, like concrete prefabricated wall panels, etc., Three case studies are defined, and energy simulations are performed. The energy model result provides a range of average energy analysis to compare and to evaluate energy efficiency and show the potential energy benefits obtainable with various, single or multiple, refurbishment options.