Universal Peace through Religion for Human Sustenance

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Religions of ancient India speak of universal peace based on solidarity with the earth and all beings. They stress on an understanding of the intrinsic interdependence of all beings. According to them, such an understanding is essential for grasping the truth of the interconnectivity of all life. In their opinion, the commitment to non-violence occurs quite organically from the realization of the essential interdependence, the intrinsic relatedness of all being. They emphasize peace at three levels. The first is social peace, i.e. between human beings, requiring non-violence in the treatment of others. The second is ecological peace, i.e. between human beings and their natural resource environment, requiring non-violence in the relation with the physical environment as well. Third is the mental peace, peace with oneself, removing destructive tensions and stress, and requiring non-violence with oneself. The religious thinkers of ancient India are known for accommodation, conciliatory and synthesizing attitude of the mind. The policy of peaceful co-existence and inculcation of the free spirit of universal brotherhood propagated by them are the means which can build up strong foundations of universal peace. Insights from the ancient Indian religious thinkers are most welcome in accelerating the process of realization of fundamental unity and in establishing universal peace. This paper draws heavily from ancient literature such as the Vedas, Upanishads, Buddhism, Jainism and Classical Sanskrit literature to prove the point.