Universal Design for Living

D07 6

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As inclusion becomes the norm in many schools and communities, proactive forces are now looking ahead to the concept of Universal Design. This presentation will define and illustrate universal design and discuss its benefits and the barriers that stand in the way of it becoming a reality in Community and Education. Initially it will examine the paradigm of universal design, originally portrayed as a tangible concept in architecture and technology, as an attitude and culture. This culture is one of accessibility for all, rather than one of inclusion and disability accommodation. The possible roles of Ecological Theory, Social Valorization Theory and Dynamic Systems Theory in Universal Design will also be discussed. Objectives:Define Universal Design as a paradigm, Differentiate Universal Design from Inclusion and Infusion, Discuss the Culture of Accessibility vs. the Culture of Disability, Present Ecological Task Analysis Theory as strategic foundations for Universal Design in physical activity, Examine the barriers to Universal Design posed by academia, funding agencies, clinical researchers, disability advocates, teachers, therapists, coaches, parents, and other professionals, Inspire further dialogue on the future and the feasibility of Universal Design.