Understanding the Role of Dietary Counseling in Teaching Nutrition Education

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Mention taking a 24-Hour food recall and most Extension educators cringe! Probing clients about what they’ve eaten, coding food items, and entering such data in a computer system for analysis can often turn into a big job! However, the end result can be beneficial. A thorough review and discussion of the “ABCs of Dietary Counseling” can aid in eliciting accurate responses, setting goals, and positively impacting behavioral change among limited-resource families. Research has shown that positive dietary counseling will impact desired nutritional behavior. <p> This article will briefly discuss the “ABCs of Dietary Counseling” and its usefulness as a teaching tool for educators as they seek ways to motivate clients to improve their dietary practices. Readers will understand the importance of gathering sound data for 24-Hour food recalls, review strategies and tips for effective dietary counseling, and realize the importance of putting into practice the dietary counseling tips discussed. This article will also explore the implications and unique opportunity of collaborating with volunteers and agency personnel who also offer dietary counseling. </p>