Toward Land Consolidation for Slum Upgrading

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One of the targets of the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) is to make cities and settlements inclusive, safe, resilient, and sustainable. Indonesia is committed to ensuring access to decent, safe, affordable housing, facilities, and services and upgrading the slum. Slum spots are often found in coastal cities, and among them is the Tegalsari fishers’ settlement in Tegal City, Indonesia. Land tenure problems worsen the slum problems in this settlement. Many inhabitants stay there for generations but have no rights to their lots. Along with the physical upgrading of this slum area, the land tenure problem must be resolved so that the residents can live in peace and comfort. Therefore, this research aimed to find prospects to settle the land tenure problem as part of the slum upgrading efforts based on community preferences. The study applied a questionnaire-based SWOT analysis regarding the community’s perceptions and expectations about their future. The research findings suggest that community perceptions should be accommodated in any development initiative taken to improve the conditions of this settlement. Furthermore, the community deems land consolidation involving the voices of all stakeholders as a prospective framework to address the land tenure problems.