The Text Selection Process in the English Classroom

A09 2

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The paper will report on a research project investigating the guiding and limiting factors influencing teacher selection of texts for the junior secondary English classroom. These factors include: Teacher comfort, class ability, faculty and syllabus guidelines, the physical availability of the text and many more. Teacher awareness of these influencing factors is essential particularly today with the vast amount of texts and text types made available to teachers through the use of the Internet. It is only by reviewing, adapting and improving these selection strategies that ultimately the most suitable text will be taught to the appropriate class employing effective pedagogy. The research shows teachers assessing the age and ability level of the students, and selecting texts covering suitable and interesting issues, within a larger framework limited but not entirely dictated by the practicalities of text availability and the requirements of the syllabus. Teachers are professionals weighing personal value judgements against certain mandatory selections constraints beyond their control.