The Technology-Production Base of the Firm

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In last decades, the theory of resources had been established as an important part of discussion on the competitive operations of the firms. Its contribution for the strategic approach of creation of firms competitive advantage won recognition. However, the theory of resources was not able to put forward clear and applicable tools, and consequently, useful in formulating the firms strategy. Thus, a central question has been leaved unanswered: Finally, which are those from the resources that contribute in the configuration of the strategy and the competitive ability of the firms? In this paper it is not proposed an additional variant in the already existing views of the theory of resources; but based on these approaches, we try to determine the critical factors in the firm, that transform individual resources of tactical importance in strategic advantage in order to sustain the firms competitive ability and obtain their viability. This process occurs within a technology-people structure that composes what we name “technology-production base” of the firms.