The Role of Exercise Professionals and Health Coaches related ...

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The Healthy People 2030 objectives are set by the United States government with the intention of guiding health efforts for the decade. However, familiarity with and utilization of these objectives are unclear among various professions. This study examines exercise professional and health coach perceived familiarity with and utilization of Healthy People 2030 (HP2030), as a general concept, as well as perceived preparedness to address the physical activity general objectives. In an online survey of 1,644 certified exercise professionals, including Personal Trainers (PT), Group Fitness Instructors (GFI), Medical Exercise Specialists (MES), as well as Health Coaches (HC), MES and HC had significantly greater familiarity with HP2030 than PT and GFI. HC had significantly higher utilization of HP2030 compared to MES, PT, GFI. Regarding preparedness to address HP2030 physical activity general objectives, MES felt most prepared, followed by HC. Factors that influenced preparedness included holding multiple certifications and having public health work experience. To make a more immediate impact on the HP2030 physical activity general objectives, it may be prudent to have those with certifications like MES and HC engage in efforts related to the HP2030 objectives, such as multi-sector teams. In the meantime, those with PT or GFI certifications can increase knowledge and experiences related to public health, including working with other professionals who have received more in-depth training like MES and HC.