The Role of Corporate Social Responsibility Strategy on Succe ...

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Business leaders agree that managing in times of turbulence and accelerating change challenges their traditional views of competitiveness and success factors needed for survival and profitability. Today’s managers must deal with globalization of markets, increasing intensity of competition, rapid technological changes, a shift from an industrial economy to a knowledge, human capital and information based economy, demographic changes, environmental challenges, changing value systems and consumer preferences. The changes in society are forcing companies to consider the views of various interest groups in decision making. Building relationships with customers, suppliers, employees, communities and other stakeholders can become central to competitiveness and form the foundation for a new, progressive and people centered corporate strategy which attacks the sources – not the symptoms – of challenges facing business today. This brings us to the increased importance of corporate social responsibility. Corporate social responsibility (CSR) is a strategic decision whereby an organization undertakes an obligation to society in the form of sponsorship, commitment to local communities, attention to environmental issues and responsible advertising. Today, multi-national organizations face to different challenges such as, culture, regularity environment, non-government organizations (NGOs) and global standards. The major aim of this paper is to study CSR strategy and the role of its in success multi-national organizations. The research methodology is descriptive and for collecting theoretical aspects of the research scientific books and journals are used. The results of this paper indicate that CSR is a critical factor for success multi-national organizations. This paper is valuable for marketers in planning for strategic CSR and for academic researchers in further clarifying the boundaries of strategic CSR.