The Nomad Totem “Kok Bori” as an Archetype

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In modern science, the wolf archetype has psychological and cultural significance. Its study spans mythology, literature, and folklore, allowing for a comparative analysis of Nomad archetypes. Although the folklore archetype has been replaced by literary one, the wolf archetype's core remains unchanged. It has developed among various nations based on universal archetypes. Reconstruction and clarification of the wolf archetype, using modern research, made it possible to better understand the wolf totem of Nomads. The methodological basis of this article is a variety of methods; for example, the method of systematization has become an effective method for summarizing and grouping literary works concerning the concept of “Bori” from different countries of the world during the period spanning ancient times to the present by genre and thematic features. In this research article, the basis of archetypes preserved in our customs and traditions, culture, and literature since ancient times, the history of origin, formation, as the totem of the Turkic peoples, similarity and specificity of the use of the archetype “Bori” in other nations is determined by the historical and genetic method. The expected results of the study are to determine the formation of the archetype “Sky Wolf” as a totemic concept and its transformation into a symbolic image in literature, to analyze archetypal images related to the wolf totem around the world based on the comparison between specific literary works, and to study the meaning of the “Bori” (Wolf) totem in Kazakh literature as a sacred concept in the national consciousness.