The Individual Exposure Health Risk Profile

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This article introduces the Individual Exposure Health Risk Profile (IEHRP), a mathematical process to quantitatively evaluate individual health risks by integrating workplace, lifestyle, and environmental exposure data from traditional and new personal monitoring exposure assessment technologies combined with individual health histories and genomic data to provide a new and novel capability for the healthcare professionals and policymakers using advances in science, technology, and informatics. The IEHRP creates for the first time a mechanism for healthcare providers to better understand the relationships between an individual’s health, genetic predispositions, and exposures through mathematical expression and process, ultimately providing a modern tool to better understand the effects of exposures from the workplace, environment, as well as day-to-day activities. More importantly, the IEHRP displays individual and population risks through user-friendly visualizations so healthcare professionals can recommend data-driven interventions to mitigate individual risks to improve health/performance, and policymakers and decision-makers can make more informed policy and resource decisions.