The Effect of Geography on Art and Culture

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Man from the earliest time, has gone through a lengthy process of several eras including hunting, collecting food and by taking advantage of his surrounding nature and environment, eventually reached the present civilization. To do this, he has applied his creativity and individual and collaborative artistic ability which was later considered as man’s success. Geographically, miscellaneous civilizations have been appeared through the relative interaction between man and his surrounding environment which has created several cultures of which the paramount role in emergence of other various cultures is still to be noticed. Perhaps the very beginning way of interaction and communication was commenced first by inventing hunting apparatus and also cave paintings which are truly an essential element in the formation of art works. As nowadays from the aspect of perspective aesthetics, geographical, literary, architectural, etc., the inspiration from nature in creating the greatest art works is absolutely obvious. The relationship between man and nature along with the influence of other cultures on societies has provoked several alterations in art works. The aforementioned relationship has led to some changes in art domain in multifarious nations and was consequently the setup for cultural similarities and contrasts in many geographical areas.