The Economic Condition and Food Security Status

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Since 2008, there has been a substantial rise in food insecurity trends across Europe. Reasons that explain food insecurity in Europe include rising food prices, increased fuel costs, significant issues of financial well-being (such as insufficient income to obtain food), and job insecurity. Among factors influencing food insecurity, both personal and community economic conditions (PCEC), are thought to contribute most significantly in food insecurity. This article addresses the association between personal and community economic conditions and food insecurity status. The data from the 2015 Gallup World Poll were analyzed. Results for food insecurity status showed that Northern European countries had considerably lower food insecurity (4.4%) than Western European countries (6.2%), Eastern European countries (9.1%), and Southern European countries (9.9%). Food security status was positively associated with PCEC. Regardless of region, logistic regression analysis indicated that food insecurity was more prevalent among people with poor personal and community economic conditions.