The Cost of Leadership for Social Justice

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There are costs of engaging in leadership for social justice. It is suggested that the means of advocacy is strongly related to the personal and professional consequences of school district and community engagement. This article aims not only to inform individuals pursuing credentials in educational leadership of critical issues related to transformative leadership, but also seeks to convey to institutions charged with the preparation of future administrators the real cost of leadership. This purpose will be achieved by presenting a discourse through an open dialogue between two of the authors. Bob is a retired principal who previously engaged in quests for social justice at his school sites. Don, his brother, is currently a university faculty member transitioning from central office platforms from which transformational issues were actively pursued. This discourse will be prefaced by key terms and a theoretical framework. Reflections include recommendations for the next generation of transformative leaders to be aware of their means of advocacy and the reality of probable consequences as a result of their career path.