Teachers Learning from their Teaching

L06 11

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Traditionally, teachers have been known as consumers and not producers of knowledge. Knowledge was generated and defined by researchers in colleges and universities only. With the emergence of the ideas of reflective practice, scholarship of teaching, production of knowledge through practice and of course, the notion that the act of teaching itself generates knowledge, teachers have become emancipated and empowered in their profession. This presentation argues that the change from teacher to teacher-researcher is producing new roles of the teacher and of the student. Teachers and students are going beyond their traditional interactive roles and are forming a relationship characterized by genuine respect and engagement. There is also a sense of ownership of the pedagogical process itself. When teaching is done systematically and reflectively and made public the teacher becomes a researcher as well. This empowers and emancipates both the teacher and the student. They have new identities and roles that are complimentary and not dichotomous to one another.