Sustaining a Dream

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Elevated pedestrian systems (also known as skybridges, skyways, skywalks, pedways, streets in the sky etc.) emerged as a modernist approach to urban design in the mid-twentieth century and have altered the formal and spatial logic of many cities across the world. Calgary’s Plus 15 system, being among the most extensive elevated pedestrian systems in North America, is a key example of how early experiments in multilevel design have continued to impact the present and future of North American cities. Taking inspiration from actor-network theory and assemblage thinking, this work aims to trace the story of the Plus 15's conception to determine how its current form came to be and to reveal the urban visions that underpin its creation. The motivations and desires of the Plus 15's institutional stakeholders/agents are considered against this historical analysis to arrive at a clearer picture of the network's contemporary use and potential future.