Sustainable Metropolitan Development

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Evidence shows that spatial dynamics in Semarang Metropolitan Region tend not to encourage sustainable development. Spatial interactions, especially in journeys to work, have been using inefficient transport energy. A sprawling growth process that is still continuing also shares in the ineffective cost of development, especially in public infrastructure. Residential areas have also been expanding to land that is supposedly conserved. Furthermore, rural urban linkages have not been able to properly alleviate poverty and minimise economic inequality, as seen in the fluctuating nature in poverty incidence and increasing individual as well as spatial inequality. All this prompts an important question to be answered, which is: “How can spatial dynamics in a metropolitan region be facilitated to ensure sustainable development?” This paper seeks an operational model of sustainable metropolitan development applicable to Semarang Metropolitan Region, which is the first important step towards answering the research question. Sustaining metropolitan development requires that the structure and function be able to minimise the use of energy and natural resources, encourage the socially optimal situation, strengthen regional comparative advantages, and encourage involvement of the majority of people in productive activities. A good system of interactions between spatial units in a metropolitan region can thus help ensuring sustainable development. It would increase the efficiency of interactions between cities, which means minimising the use of energy, strengthening good spatial linkages and thus encouraging people to participate in productive activities. Further discussions lead to a set of strategies that is needed for facilitating the spatial dynamics of Semarang Metropolitan Region towards sustaining the development. However, an in-depth study using the case of a suburb that has an exceptional role in the spatial dynamics of Semarang Metropolitan Region is needed to answer the research question completely. This is especially needed in this era of participatory approaches to development. The suburb of Bandungan, which has been quickly becoming a regional centre for certain functions, especially tourism and a market for agricultural products, is perfectly matched with the purpose and thus recommended as the case study.