Sustainability Education is Key to a Secure Water Future in t ...

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Water sustainability is the great challenge facing communities worldwide. Water officials in the Western United States may understand the stark realities of water scarcity but the citizenry remains disengaged from the debate. While many districts struggle to meet the increasing demand for water, too little attention has been directed to water education. Without a proper understanding of water issues and sustainability, communities will remain inattentive to water use and ill-equipped to responsibly manage their own resources. In the Western U.S., there is not enough water to sustain the current lifestyle. The best method for fostering change in water behaviors is with the proposed water curriculum which makes wise water use and sustainability relevant to everyday life. Relevancy can be demonstrated with a shift to a more interactive water instruction paradigm that promotes dialogue and inspires action. The most attentive audience for this type of instruction will be school-age students. To motivate students, the enhanced water lesson should be integrated into the existing school curriculum with a multi-disciplinary approach that addresses current water problems, proposes solutions, and introduces water careers. Only an impassioned and informed public will aid in securing an ample and safe water supply for the future.