Students’ Perception of the Role of Race, Ethnicity, and Gend ...

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There is little research on the views of diverse students in undergraduate Sport Management academic programs and future professionals in the sport industry, particularly as it relates to their views on race/ethnicity and gender. This study sought to fill that gap. Sport Management undergraduate students in two very different institutions, one a Historically Black College and University (HBCU) and one a Predominantly White Institution (PWI), completed surveys examining their perceptions of racial discrimination and stereotyping. Students also participated in focus groups addressing questions related to their perceptions of professional and leadership opportunities in the Sport Management industry. The HBCU students and African American students from the PWI perceived significantly more discrimination when compared to white students from the PWI. African American students from the HBCU perceived more barriers based on their race/ethnicity than white students from the PWI. Female students from both HBCU and PWI perceived their gender would be a disadvantage in all realms.