Solidarity in Roots

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The importance of a woman’s nature and significance in society is vital to establish an identity that is lost in the realms of subjugation. Palestinian women have learned how to fight occupation for over seventy years. The olive tree pendant that Palestinian women wear as jewelry is not just another piece of accessory, but a powerful statement tool that reminds one of resistance. The pendant thus retells the story of an unforgotten heritage, history, and land usurped. Susan Abulhawa’s Mornings in Jenin (2011) speaks the historical truth of female experiences and delivers justice to silenced voices whose solidarity remains visible among Palestinians who live in diaspora. Women are deeply rooted in nature and the environment, allowing this article to analyze the novel from an ecofeminist approach and discover how the main character Amāl and her female matriarchy have endured rape, loss, and pain for the sake of the olive tree. The female characters’ resistance connects their experience to the surroundings, showing how significant nature has become to Palestinian women. With economic and social damage, ecofeminism is a scope used to view the current environmental crisis happening in Palestine and better understand the significant link of heritage and mother earth.