Social Uses Of Technical Artefacts

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This paper is about living in a metropolitan context and specifically the impact of new technologies of communication and of mobility – wireless phone, internet, automobile and transports, in the work daily routines and livings of the citizens. It concerns the time and space concepts and perceptions and it’s different livings according to the use and social appropriation of technological artifacts such as the car and the mobile phone. We intended to analyze what Castells (2004) alerted to be missing in sociological knowledge, the connection and impacts of the use of the wireless communication devices and the work. Using different samples and a combination of both qualitative and quantitative techniques, we characterize the issue in what concerns to space and time moving and to the actors involved, and attempt to give an answer to our initial questions. The results allow us to discuss the impact of this technologies in the daily routines in what concerns it organization, schedules, livings and feelings, cultural and social issues as well as the actors perceptions