Secret and Unprotected Sex

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Unlike the westernized advanced societies, the dynamics of globalisation and dimensions of post-modernity have had limited impact upon the less developed country like Bangladesh. Given the extreme exploitative class relations, the capitalist rule in Bangladesh is more pronounced by the wave of poverty and socioeconomic backwardness. Despite political uprisings for more than half a century, the cultural stigma and religious overtones influence as well as sustain people’s life at large including secret and/or unprotected sex practices. The World Bank reports on health issues also indicate the adverse condition caused by the deepened laws of capitalist economy. Field observation and several research studies on health hazards in Bangladesh revealed the serious illness of HIV eventuated through prostitution, unprotected sex and natural calamities. Religio-cultural indictment as one of the major bases of dogmatic principles could hardly adhere to any progressive thinking along sex practices; instead people tended to hide their sexual activities which amounted to fatal health consequences. The secondary sources including written documents, research reports, archival sources, government excerpts, relevant case studies (done along the line) will be utilized in order to find out the evils of inappropriate sex unions and detrimental religious obligations.