Searching for Inter-religious Dialogue on Malaysian Television

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The new millennium witnesses a new phenomenon that is known as “back to religion” along with the impact of the article of Samuel Huntington (1993) “the Clash of Civilization.” This new phenomenon promotes inter-religious dialogue as one of the methods of propagating the teaching of religion to achieve global peace. Inter-religious dialogue has never been broadcast in any form on Malaysian television due to multicultural sensitivities. The relationships between inter-religious dialogue and Islamic Da’wah, dialogue initiatives in Malaysia, as well as the concept of 1Malaysia and Interreligious dialogue will be discussed in the first portion of this article. The second part of it will be focusing on the search for inter-religious dialogue on Malaysian television which based on preliminary views of the producers and regulators who work with the government, private and satellite television broadcasters. The “theory of practices” focuses on media as practices and religion as practices has been explored to further clarify any prospect and potential for the broadcasting of inter-religious dialogue on Malaysian television in future.