Sampling the Stew

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Since its inception, America has been a nation of immigrants, a country in which many cultures have merged. Its small indigenous population was nearly obliterated by the enormous numbers arriving to establish roots in the “new world;” over the last two hundred years, however, the United States has developed many ways to help individual cultures - indigenous and otherwise - survive, thrive, and co-exist. Some of these measures are government-funded, while others are resourced by volunteer organizations at the grassroots level. Many of these measures could be used in other countries and cultures, or at the very least, suggest similar avenues for cultural sustainability. The arts and humanities have played a major role in defining culture throughout human history, so it is natural that they would be central to efforts to sustain culture today. This article will explore the role of arts and humanities in cultural sustainability using four different categories as the basis for that exploration: Music and Dance, Visual Art, Language and Literature, and Drama.