Sailing the Seas to Scientific Literacy without Shipwrecking ...


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Preliminary results are presented from a three-year multidisciplinary project, funded by the BioLogos Foundation, to help Christians appreciate the findings of mainstream science, while also respecting their traditional theological understandings. Efforts are underway to expand the Christian church’s understanding and engagement with biological evolution and other issues at the interface of science and theology in the heartland of America. Presentations are being developed and delivered to show how the histories of the universe, earth, and life itself, communicate the character and ingenuity of God. Guidelines are recommended for making accurate interpretations of both nature and Scripture. The methods and limitations of science are discussed, as well as the roles of systems biology and reverse engineering in understanding the emergence of life. Evolutionary models of creation are assessed in terms of their compatibility with historic Christianity. Suggestions are offered for reconciliation between the fields of science and theology. Assessment results in the form of post-presentation surveys are presented as a measure of project effectiveness. Thus far, the effort has been received enthusiastically by the church, although not without a few detractors. A key concept seems to be facilitating comfort with uncertainty when issues remain in question and pertinent data are still being collected and analyzed.