Reconstructing the Meaning of Social Justice in a Multicultur ...

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This paper provides a constructive idea to contribute toward Indonesia’s national development. As a nation-state characterized by the social life of its multicultural citizens, Indonesia is often faced with the issue of justice, especially related to the distribution of welfare. Indonesia, since independence (1945) until now (2021) is faced with various social conflict events and separatist movements involving ethnic, cultural, religious, and factional identities on an ongoing basis. The conflict, basically, is not solely triggered by identity differences that characterize the Indonesian nation with the motto “Bhineka Tunggal Ika” (Unity in Diversity). It is also triggered by social, economic, and power inequality between identity groups. Based on this, this paper provides a perspective on how to build social justice in a multicultural society, where Indonesian citizens are not only seen as individuals who have the same basic needs (citizen rights), but also as members of certain social entities that have special collective needs in accordance with their respective cultures (collective rights).