Product Placement Cost in Selected Czech SMEs

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The paper deals with product placement as a smart marketing tool in today’s modern marketing communication mix. The examined tool is a form of advertisement in which branded goods or services are placed into the context of movies, story lines of television shows or news programmes in order to avoid conventional advertising. Outlined research issues were done solely at custom selected Czech B2C enterprises during the years 2012 and 2013. The research list has also some B2B enterprises included. There has been nothing written and published before about product placement study in the Czech Republic B2C market. The primary aim of the paper is to explore how much are enterprises able to invest in product placement; or possibly ready to invest. Another field closely related to product placement cost is decision management. The secondary aim of this paper was to analyze and identify who decides to invest in and implement product placement. That is who determines price range and type of product placement. The results obtained were subjects to a statistical study. Nevertheless, the results were also analyzed using quantification and by means of seeking a mutual dependence.