Possible Framework for Climate Change IDP’s

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Currently, climate change threatens to displace large swaths of people around the globe. It will do so within and between nations. While this overall phenomenon is new, it does not mean we are without any tools to deal with its expected effects. Forced migration scholars and policy makers have been evaluating other forms of displacement and have provided theory, models, and evaluations. This paper will evaluate how development induced displacement and resettlement (DIDR) and disaster induced displacement models can apply to the specific challenges of climate change migration. A new model will be offered which integrates the previous two. The Climate Change Displacement and Resettlement (CCDR) model seeks to reframe climate change based forced migration using the instruments already available in other genres. It will provide a bridge between the current migration literature and this phenomenon, demonstrate how to utilize current mechanisms for new problems, and serve as starting point for the newest challenge in human migration.