Perishable Product Supply Chains

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Managing supply chains for perishable consumer products requires quick turnover time and high flexibility, which in turn requires high agility. Conditions increasing competition, such as the global availability of international products; differing grades and increasing variety of available products; increasing consumer awareness of standards, and constraints such as volatile demand, stringent standards controls and increasingly comprehensive protection systems instituted by regulatory authorities demand supply chains that efficiently handle products which have extremely short life-cycles. A better understanding of the field can be achieved if the seminal work in the area can be consolidated and dissected minutely via a hybrid of the systematic review approach, not only to critically examine the learning presented but also to better access future research opportunities. This study provides an exhaustive analysis of the nature of the field till date along with an in-depth analysis of the future potential for research. The research presents a multidimensional view the consolidated academic studies as a knowledge-based research and management profiling tool. To this end, a meticulous agenda is provided, to aid in the development and management of perishable supply chains.