Peacebuilding through Sport

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This study clarifies the significance of peacebuilding through sport from the perspective of gender studies. The subject of this study, South Sudan, is faced with intermittent domestic conflicts, and increasing violence against women is reported. To realistically promote gender equality in the country, peace needs to be understood in the context of the people living in South Sudan. This study examines the expected role of women in the peacebuilding process and sport’s contributions to peacebuilding in society. We conducted surveys with fourteen National Unity Day organizers and created a co-occurrence network to quantitatively analyze their responses. The results highlighted expectations for women as peacebuilders and the need to reflect their opinions in politics and policymaking. Furthermore, the results suggested that individual capacity-building and reconciliation through community activities could lead to reconciliation at the national level. We expect to further clarify the combined potential of peacebuilding, gender, and sport in future studies.