Navigating the Trajectories of Faith-Based Resilience among the Afromontane

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This theoretical paper problematizes various trajectories of faith-based resilience for sustainable development among the Afromontane and proposes a decolonial approach to faith as a means to align faith with lived realities. Faith, despite some of its positive contributions to society, has become a contested terrain in relation to sustainable development and resilience. To achieve this aim of the paper, we answer two questions: what are the trajectories of faith-based resilience for sustainable development, and what can be done to recenter for resilience for sustainable development? In responding to these questions, we base our responses on decoloniality theory, which rejects any form of oppression in its quest to achieve a just society. We end the paper by arguing that, for faith to make meaningful contributions to resilience narratives and sustainable development, there is a need for a decolonial approach to Christian faith, to extricate it from it all forms and systems of coloniality.