Multimedia Learning

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With the advent of multimedia as well as the Internet, new instructional strategies of transferring knowledge have come into being. Using multimedia technologies through the web provides a viable alternative to the monotony of passive learning found in traditional classroom. In light of this, the Malaysian Government is encouraging teachers to integrate technology into the classrooms to effectively engage their students through self-directed, student-centred learning environments. Research has shown that using group and project-based activities are ways to effectively provide students with a more active approach to learning. Currently, with increased emphasis on social constructivism, cooperative learning is partly a reaction to societal changes with new emphasis on team work and communication skills. In this paper, a multimedia integrated cooperative-learning environment (MICE), using the elements suggested by Johnson and Johnson, was created in a Malaysian classroom to provide the learners with an activity-rich learning experience and the opportunities to interact and learn from each other. The purpose of this study is to gauge the students’ perception in student-centred environment. The results showed that the learners were able to help each other and successfully work together using technology to accomplish their tasks. They were motivated and also took more responsibility for their own learning process. The experience enhanced their teamwork skills which are currently vital in today’s technological and fast-paced world.