Methodological and Ethical Agendas in Intercultural Education ...

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  • Title: Methodological and Ethical Agendas in Intercultural Educational Research Involving Human Subjects: Teachers’ Perceptions of ‘Interculturality’ in an Intercultural Primary School in Greece
  • Author(s): Fokion Georgiadis
  • Publisher: Common Ground Research Networks
  • Collection: Common Ground Research Networks
  • Series: Interdisciplinary Social Sciences
  • Journal Title: The International Journal of Interdisciplinary Social Sciences: Annual Review
  • Keywords: Methodology, Ethical Issues, Social Constructionism, Intercultural Education, Teachers, Greece
  • Volume: 4
  • Issue: 1
  • Date: June 19, 2009
  • ISSN: 1833-1882 (Print)
  • DOI:
  • Citation: Georgiadis, Fokion. 2009. "Methodological and Ethical Agendas in Intercultural Educational Research Involving Human Subjects: Teachers’ Perceptions of ‘Interculturality’ in an Intercultural Primary School in Greece." The International Journal of Interdisciplinary Social Sciences: Annual Review 4 (1): 13-24. doi:10.18848/1833-1882/CGP/v04i01/52803.
  • Extent: 12 pages

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There has currently been much discussion on ‘interculturality’ and Intercultural Education policy in Greece, and issues of inclusion, diversity and achievement have become a powerful agenda for change in Greek education. Nevertheless, ‘mainstream’ education still follows an assimilationist model for a school population of diverse cultural backgrounds. Meanwhile, Schools of Intercultural Education in Greece, established in 1996, seem to offer a new form of public education to ‘minority’ pupils. Following the aforementioned rationale, this presentation aspires to offer more insight into methodological and ethical issues in intercultural educational research involving ‘human subjects’ while exploring how ‘interculturality’ is addressed and developed in this kind of school in terms of teachers’ perspectives and practices, and how these teachers experience education policy.