Merging Sustainable Pillars into the Tourism Plan Format for ...

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This study forwards a sustainable plan format for micro, small, and medium enterprises (MSMEs) in the tourism sector in post-Typhoon Yolanda (Haiyan) areas. Based on the sustainable pillars of the United Nations World Tourism Organization (UNWTO), the plan format enables MSMEs to perform sustainable activities and contribute toward the achievement of tourism sustainability. Sustainable pillars by the UNTWO include: 1) tourism policy and governance; 2) economic performance; 3) investment and competitiveness; 4) employment, decent work, and human capital; 5) poverty reduction and social inclusion; and 6) sustainability of the natural and cultural environment. Documentary analyses measured the data extracted from contents of the initial post-disaster tourism plans from the local government units. Interviews with government participants offered data for thematic analyses that fortified the documentary investigations. As a lens of interpretation, qualitative data analyses used concepts embedded in the UNWTO sustainable pillars. The perspective of the tourism MSME sector representing quantitative data validated the qualitative findings. The existing tourism plans of both post-Haiyan rural and urban areas had room for improvement because they failed to include tourism MSME development. The interventions of various government agencies, albeit currently fragmented, could enhance future tourism plans. Interestingly, with proper redirection from the tourism office, these agencies carried the ability to fully unleash the potential in the tourism MSME sector.